
Free online network tools & utilities


Welcome to the Urih's free online network tools & utilities community project!



  • My IP · shows your computer IP address, that is seen by web servers and network. IP address…
  • Smart Whois · find out an owner / registrar of an IP address or IP address block using Smart Whois…


  • Hash & CRC · compute a wide range of checksums / hashes / message digests for any given text or…


  • Response header · view web server response headers. Learn, analyze and reduce HTTP header overhead…
  • SilverBench · online multicore CPU benchmarking service (uses only JavaScript) to benchmark computer…


  • Reverse IP · use reverse IP lookup (rDNS, .arpa domain and PTR record) and DNS resolution to determine…
  • IPv6 Literal · external · online tool to convert IPv6 address to corresponding literal address. Also IP / IPv6…


  • Subnet Calc · compute network subnet (dotted decimal or CIDR notation) mask for IP address or range…


  • Request header · view and analyze browser (user agent) request header.
  • Encode · encode any given text or uploaded file using most common binary to ASCII encoding…
  • Decode · decode any given text or uploaded file using most common ASCII to binary decoding…
  • EXE headers · analyze portable executable files (.exe, .dll, .drv, .sys, .etc) online and view…

Learn all the available tools you need to succeed on the Web!
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News feed

Nov, 2018 · SilverBench.js v2.0

Oct, 2018 · SmartWhois smarter

Sep, 2018 · Mobile site refresh

Jun, 2012 · SilverBench v1.5

Mar, 2011 · We are live

Request header
Size: 714 bytes more
Your quotes
SilverBench · My mom tell me to say thank you, so "Thank you" :)
Done in 0.00243 seconds
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