
Free online network tools & utilities


The internet & web plays a huge role in our lives. So, here is an Urih, here is another free online project…

About us

Urih.com is a free online service launched in 2011 by a small team of developers. We create many projects in our spare time. Urih is just one of them. The goal was to create simple yet powerful and easy-to-use online services for home users and system administrators.

Special thanks for developing SilverBench goes to our friend who wants to stay anonymous.

All tools and utilities are created for you, and for fun. There are no hidden fees. And hopefully never will…

P.S. This site does not use images (except some ADs). Or does it? Flags?

We appreciate your continued feedback.
Thank you!

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News feed

Nov, 2018 · SilverBench.js v2.0

Oct, 2018 · SmartWhois smarter

Sep, 2018 · Mobile site refresh

Jun, 2012 · SilverBench v1.5

Mar, 2011 · We are live

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July 27, 2024, 10:38 AM
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SilverBench · Niceeeee :)
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Free online network tools